

A trick a Treat and an unknowing wife

Published July 15, 2024

 I've been married for a number of years to a very woman, Marissa. She's in her early 30s. She's 5'4 105 pounds. She has dark brown hair and ha...

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My Friends Daughter

Published June 7, 2024

Note : 100% fiction!

This is Naresh here. I live in Manali with my family. Our family business is hotels and resorts. We have resorts and scattered...

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Adventures Of The Modern Sexual Housewife 11

Published June 7, 2024

November 20, 2004...

The young, sexy 22 year old, named Jenny, just recieved her certificate. Her husband, also graduating that day, was going to ...

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The Wife of a Preacherman

Published June 4, 2024

I was 34 at the time and I was working for a large travel agency. My room mate was a travel agent for the same company. She had left three days earlier for a business t...

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Home economics

Published June 4, 2024
The girls in the senior Home Economics class were milling around and talking as the bell to start the fifth period rang. "Okay, ladies, please take your seats," Mrs. ...
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Educating wuhan lady about sex

Published May 26, 2024

I visited a massage parlour in wuhan few months ago. a young lady age 24 was serving me. she had just arrived wuhan less than 2 weeks ago with the purpose of earning mor...

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Time For A Change

Published May 24, 2024

Teenage years are tough. Your sexuality is who you are, and when I was 19 I had a hard time coming out,admitting I was gay. But an experience that I had, well it not onl...

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The Subway Bear

Published May 24, 2024

It was finally five o'clock, and I couldn't wait any minute longer just to set off home. Taking a cigarette and lighting it up as the darkness has already fil...

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